
Github Visualizer was built as part of the Georgia Tech CS 7450 class. This is a visualization of an organizations repositories and users simultaniously. For this example we have used data from Balanced.
Source Code
The source code can be downloaded from All the code for the project is under an MIT license. The data was created using the Github API.

At the start of the app you will see all the data for the project loaded. The bar chart is set to the complete time scale. The Y-Axis is set to use the number of commits as the scale. This can be changed using the Main Variable dropdown in the top right corner. We can select a particular time frame by selecting a region the red graph below the timeline.

Currently the treemap and the heatmap are set to the global view of the complete organization. We can analyze a particular user or repository by clicking an appropriate tile on the tree map.

When you click a repository tile, the user map is updated to present the details of that particular repository, same for the heat map. The time line would present a Lightpick overlay on top of the blue bars. This shows the percentage of contribution to this particular repository compared to the complete organization.

Similarly vice-versa would happen if you click a user tile. In the navigation bar we append the selection as a button to create a link to the actual github page for the repository or the user. Clicking on the home button on the bar would refresh your selection.

Now suppose you clicked a user first and then clicked on a repository. So your selection is a particular repository and user. This would be reflected as a green overlay on the timeline. So your timeline would have three layers now. A link in the navigation bar can take you to the commit log of the selected user in the selected repository.

Data Processing
The data was fetched using Github's API using a python script. It was then stored into csv files for the visualization to use it. We also aggregated the repositories under a threshold into Small Projects. And users below a certain threshold into External User.
If you have any ideas on improving the project. Please contact Sourabh.