At the start of the app you will see all the data for the project loaded. The bar chart is set to the complete time scale. The Y-Axis is set to use the number of commits as the scale. This can be changed using the Main Variable dropdown in the top right corner. We can select a particular time frame by selecting a region the red graph below the timeline.
Currently the treemap and the heatmap are set to the global view of the complete organization. We can analyze a particular user or repository by clicking an appropriate tile on the tree map.
When you click a repository tile, the user map is updated to present the details of that particular repository, same for the heat map. The time line would present a Lightpick overlay on top of the blue bars. This shows the percentage of contribution to this particular repository compared to the complete organization.
Similarly vice-versa would happen if you click a user tile. In the navigation bar we append the selection as a button to create a link to the actual github page for the repository or the user. Clicking on the home button on the bar would refresh your selection.
Now suppose you clicked a user first and then clicked on a repository. So your selection is a particular repository and user. This would be reflected as a green overlay on the timeline. So your timeline would have three layers now. A link in the navigation bar can take you to the commit log of the selected user in the selected repository.